Peer Review Process

Peer review

  • Pharmacy Reports operates an Open Review process, which means the identity of the author, and the reviewer is known by all participants, during or after the review process.
  • This journal operates a Collaborative Peer Review process, which means the author revises the manuscript under the supervision of editor and/or reviewer.  They collaborate with the author to improve the paper until it reaches a publishable standard.
  • On submission to Pharmacy Reports, your report will first be read by one or more of the journal’s editors. You will get the notification within 3 days whether your article will continue to peer-review process or not.
  • Research papers are followed by peer review by one to two reviewers. 


  • Submissions that peer review might be referred back to authors for revision. This is an invitation to present the best possible paper for further scrutiny by the journal; it is not an acceptance
  • Authors should give priority to such revisions; the journal will reciprocate by making a final decision quickly
  • Two copies of the revised version should be sent back, one of which should be highlighted to show where changes have been made.


  • Sometimes editors make mistakes. When we do, we like to hear about them. If an author believes that an editor has made an error in declining a paper, we welcome an appeal. In your appeal letter, which should be sent to, please state why you think the decision is mistaken and set out your specific responses to any peer reviewers’ comments if those seem to have been the main cause of rejection,
  • At least two editors will decide whether to invite a revised manuscript and whether re-review or otherwise, is indicated.


  • Corresponding authors will receive a proofing file before we send it to the production section.