Reviewer Guidelines

Pharmacy Reports operates Open Peer Review, which editor, reviewer, and author know their identity. However, we do not release reviewers' identities to authors or to other reviewers, if reviewers specifically ask not to be identified. 

To be published in Pharmacy Reports, a paper must be scientifically valid and technically sound in methodology and analysis. Manuscripts are NOT assessed based on their perceived importance, significance, or impact; the research community makes such judgments after publication. We are happy to publish papers of niche scope, that lie between disciplines, report negative results, or scientifically justified replications.

Due to editorial philosophy, please provide critical but constructive suggestions on how the weaknesses of a manuscript can be minimized. 

You may use Bahasa Indonesia or English for making comments. Or, you may also give comments directly on the manuscript by using the Track Changes tool.

The review should consider the following questions:

  1. Is the paper technically sound?
  2. Appropriateness of the title. Does the title accurately represent the content?
  3. Methodology. Is the description of the methodology informative, clear, and concise? Is the methodology of the research precise and properly conducted? How appropriate is the approach or experimental design?
  4. Appropriateness of tables, figures, and/or supplemental material. Is every figure/table necessary and correctly described? Is the supplementary material appropriate for the content?
  5. Is the statistical analysis of the data sound?
  6. The relevance of the discussion. Is the discussion relevant to the results and the rest of the content? Have the authors appropriately discussed their results in the context of previous research?
  7. Appropriateness of citations/references. Are all citations accounted for? Is there an appropriate amount of citations for the content (neither too few nor too many)?
  8. Is the manuscript clearly written? If not, how could it be made more accessible?
  9. Are they any special ethical concerns arising from the use of animals or human subjects?